Eponine still has her trusty hat. They seem to have hung onto the staples. Less dirt on the face, at least in this picture. I liked the dirt!

IMO the Thernadiers' ball outfits kind of didn't need changing. The West End versions are brilliant. These are in the same vein but slightly less over-the-top. Maybe I'll like them more live.

What hasn't changed much? The barricade, judging by this. I've heard it HAS changed and e.g. no longer revolves, but the visual idea appears very similar here.

Javert now has a much trendier overcoat and an actual bridge to stand on. And STARS! Love!!!

Gareth Gates as Marius. I've actually heard he's very good in the role. A little old, maybe, but nevermind.

In this version, Valjean escapes from the circus, not a work camp.
Only joking. I do wonder if the colours are really this bright. Maybe I'm just too used to the old grey rags.

Later on Valjean looks much more like his West End incarnation. Which makes sense: how many ways of designing 19th century French army uniforms are there?
Enjolras has his trusty vest. Which apparently is the reason John Robyns (who used to play Marius in the West End) really wanted this part. He'd envied that vest for years.

They gave Enjolras a blonde wig. I wonder why. To make him look angelic? To make Robyns look less like a Marius? To make him look more like the current West End god that is David Thaxton?
He does look very dashing. Very Enjolras. I am a bit worried about the tone of his voice... between him and Gates, will it be a little too much like two Mariuses singing?

We have a prettier gate with shrubs and stuff, and Cosette isn't always dressed in black. Cool.

I like Fantine's new dress. And I like that she's beautiful. She needs to be angelic.
They almost always go a bit old on the casting, though. If Fantine is someone who erred in her youth (under 20, sounds like, in her song) and has a child of around 10 years old, wouldn't that actually still make her under thirty?
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